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Camber Outdoors Professional Mentorship Program

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Camber Outdoors has the only cross-company, cross-industry mentoring program in the active-outdoor industries.  Our program facilitates one-on-one learning and professional development opportunities between director or manager level women, and executive level women.

Camber Outdoors is dedicated to the long-term impact of the program and has initiated tools to measure and track this impact among participants.

Applications to participate as a Mentee for the 2017 program will be open Sept 8-Oct 10, 2016.  

Qualifications to apply as a mentee:

 Must be an active Camber Outdoors member for at least 6 months
· Must be a director or manager
· Must be currently employed in the active outdoor industries with 3-7 years experience
· Must manage direct reports
· Must be willing to assess areas of development and ownership of plan to attain goals
· Must commit  to a nine-month mentoring relationship that is mentee driven, at least six hours a month